Spriggs Florist
Taste Caterer. Jason Williams Photography
Mabel the Finch Floristry. Justine Claire Photography
Place Settings. Justine Claire Photography

Suppliers’ Guide

Suppliers’ Guide

Here you will find a list of local, trusted suppliers who love the venue and have been recommended to us from previous weddings and events at Bury Manor Barn.  This is simply our guide for you to have a look at whilst you are planning your day. Please note that caterers must be chosen from this list but apart from that, you are free to pick whoever you would like.  

Please note – these suppliers are our suggestions only and we do not guarantee their services.  Please contact them directly for information – thank you.



E&A, married July 2023,
“We were very pleased with the recommended suppliers list provided by BMB which made organising the day a lot easier for us, from hiring of all items, to the catering & bar teams – they all told us they loved working at the venue and love the huge kitchen there! The BMB team worked with all suppliers for us in the lead up to make sure everything went smoothly and they also offer additional coordination services if needed.”